OK kids. Bucketfull Of Brains #73 has been out in the world for about a week now. All the subscriber copies are in the post (except for the one that arrived this morning from an eminent gent in Chicago). There’s a pile in Minus Zero and Sister Ray, hopefully they’ll be in Rough Trade soon, and also a couple of shops in New York and Stockholm.
The subscription drive has made a good start. Not yet hit the 400 of course, but that’s going take a while, and there’s lots more viral nonsense to get up to yet. But to have around 60 fresh subscribers already is, to us, very healthy. I’ve been really gratified by the diversity of the folk who are now signed up. Plus the totally unexpected gifts (and let me just reiterate, nothing is too small) that have turned up have been humbling.
Earlier this week we got a bit more au fait with PayPal and realised that it was easy to make those buttons and let people use a credit/debit card without being registered. I’ve shoved them in one or two places and they’re being utilised, and now they’re going on here as well. Because if you’ve haven’t subscribed we’d still love you to, and if you just want to buy the single issue then we’re providing you with that option too.
Anyway to reiterate here’s a rundown of what’s in BoB#73
Lucky Soul: ‘It sounds like the Supremes, but inside out. Surely you understand that?!’
Interview by Terry Hermon
Achievements In Sound: Mick Dillingham talks with Gino Nave formerly of San Francisco’s Red Letter Day
John Wesley Harding: Then, now, and whenever
Wesley Stace speaks to Nick West
The Drones: ‘The Golden Section’
Hugh Gulland talks to the Melbourne four piece about the ravaged magnificence of Havilah
‘I never travel far without a little Big Star’
Simon Wright hears the box set, sees the band in Hyde Park, and converses with John Fry, Jody Stephens and Alex Chilton.
‘We oppose all rock’n’roll’
Phil King hears from Rob Symmons of Subway Sect and Fallen Leaves about 1976, how the Sect formed, and the 100 Club Festival (with unseen pics of the Pistols).
Mavericks In Maturity
Jeremy Gluck talks to Peter Holsapple about working with Chris Stamey again
What do you know about Diesel Park West?
Phil Suggitt chats to John Butler and hears about the night Bob Moseley called him up.
Plus The Bermondsey Joyriders, Bryan Estepa, Adrian Whitehead, New sounds from the Thames Delta, Gimme Shelter, Dennis Dalcin’s Garage, and a lot of reviews.
To buy a single issue inclusive of postage it’s £3.25 (UK), £4.50 (Europe) and £5.50 (USA & ROW). Quote bucketfull@blueyonder.co.uk) or just pay by credit/debit card (no registration required)
For a three issue subscription (tell us when to start #72 or #73) it’s £9.00 (UK), £12.00 (Europe) and £15.00 (USA & ROW)