Bucketfull Of Brains 74 is now available
The new issue highlights Rowland S. Howard with a super Bleddyn Butcher photo on the cover, an interview carried out last autumn by Hugh Gulland, recollections of Rowland and Buffalo Bill by Jeremy Gluck, and a review of the superb Pop Crimes album.
There is a long interview with Jason Falkner by Mick Dillingham. Simon Wright talks to Nick Kent. Rob Symmons tells Phil King more tales of the Subway Sect. Barry Gutman talks to former Cherry Twister Michael Giblin about Parallax Project. Gerry Ranson is kept in the loup by the Wolf People. Professor Jud Cost takes a trip with boatclub and The Green Pajamas. And Nick West hears how Danny Wilson came off the road and got back on the streets.
Bucketfull Of Brains was founded in 1979 by Nigel Cross. It has published continuously since that time under a series of editorial teams. It covers a wide-range of musics; an erstwhile sub-title listed "rock, garage, psych, folk-rock, pop, rock’n’roll”, and to that can now be added country, soul and glam and probably more. Throughout its life it has retained an affection for songs with guitars and thus bands like the Barracudas, the Flamin’ Groovies, the Dream Syndicate, the Long Ryders and the Green Pajamas hold a special place in its affections.
To order this (almost none remain in 2025) and any other back issues please visit bucketfullofbrains.com for further info and links
Please note all orders placed by end of office hours Tues 9th March will be dispatched by return. From 10th March to 26th BoB Towers is on hiatus and further orders will be dispatched (and normal service resumed) after that.